
Sunday, 28 February 2010

Contest - Guess What It Is?

Well, the Ford Day is over. Thank goodness we had an indoor table, because it was quite drizzly most of the day. The crowds weren't great in number, but we met some very nice folks. We had jams, books, truffles and free range eggs for sale. We showed some of our collection via a little digital photo frame and that attracted some attention. But our other item of interest was this object, and we asked people to spend a dollar and guess what it was:

Not only did they have to guess what it was used for but also how many jellybeans were in the green bucket hanging from it.
Seventeen people tried their luck. Many of them guessed that it was a scale to measure gold. One person guessed spices and another guessed coffee. Four people guessed that it was something to measure grains. This was the correct answer. It's a Weight per Bushel Tester. In effect, by using the little bucket which is a quarter of a pint, you can measure the weight of the grain per bushel.
So with four people correct, it came down to who had guessed the right number of jellybeans, and only one person was even close. There were 63 jellybeans, and the winner guessed 57. We notified her at the end of the day, and she was delighted. She won a box of chocolates and a box of biscuits.
Thanks to everyone for participating and having a chat. It was great fun.
We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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