
Wednesday, 13 October 2010

A Busy Month

The Next Display
The Fairfax display has come to an end, and now we are about to launch a new display featuring Miss Donnan and Miss Shaw (pictured above). This is the first time we're focusing on the lives of specific people so it's new territory for us.

These two women were both born in the late 1800s. Each of them was an only child, both attended Otautau School, and neither of them married. They were friends who lived together for nearly 35 years in a house in Eton Street. Miss Donnan became a school teacher and taught at Otautau School for over 30 years, starting in 1908. Miss Shaw worked for the Wallace County Council for many years. Between them, they became part of the fabric of the community through church, Girl Guides, the Croquet Club, and the Tennis Club.

Miss Donnan was an amateur photographer, and her collection of photographs has found its way to our museum. We have selected a small sample of her photographs to highlight their lives.

Miss Donnan also took photos of her travels throughout New Zealand in the 1920s-40s. Someday, it would be nice to feature these travel photos as they are a snapshot in time of New Zealand.

The Standards Scheme
This month we are also preparing for a visit from Kylie Ngaropo (Te Papa/National Services) and Jim Geddes (Eastern Southland Gallery). They are going to do a peer review of the Standards Scheme with us. Basically, it's a set of best practice museum standards set out by National Services to help museums improve on what they do. We've completed all five modules which allowed us to see where we are and aren't meeting the standards, so the next step is the peer review.

Strategic Plan
This should really help us on our next task - to review our Strategic Plan. We will be doing this in the first week of November so if you have any thoughts, ideas, wishes or feedback, please let us know. What kind of museum do you want us to be? Your input could really make a big difference.

Book Sale Fundraiser
And don't forget that this weekend is the Book Sale! Lots of second-hand books and all at very cheap prices. That's Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 4pm. This is our main fundraiser so we hope to see a big crowd there!

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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