Friday, 4 March 2011

Lacemaking with Janet Macrae

Last Sunday, we hosted a hosted a lacemaking demonstration and display with Janet Macrae (pictured in the middle with Jean Watt, left, and Shirley Froude, right). Janet has been making lace since she was a young girl back in England. Her extensive collection of handmade and machine made lace from around the world and far back in time was on display as well.

Lacemaking is a fine art that has been around for centuries. It looks very complicated, but Janet assured us it was easy once we got the hang of it. The lace bobbins flowed through her nimble fingers like water and was fascinating to watch. She answered all our questions and was very encouraging. She is an excellent teacher. We had two people have a go at making lace themselves on a beginner sample that she had prepared - even a very willing 12-year old boy had a go.

We had a nice crowd attending as it coincided with the All Ford car show day over at Holt Park.

If you are interested in lacemaking or want to get in touch with Janet, drop us a line.

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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