Sunday, 6 May 2012

Maori Display

The Māori display is well underway thanks to the kind generosity of Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu, and the Wallace Early Settlers Association. Among the artefacts loaned are a mokihi (river canoe) and korowai (cloak). The mokihi takes up our whole middle room. Wish we had a bigger place! The mōkihi would've been used by early Māori to travel on our local streams and rivers. And the korowai has a Gladfield/Drummond connection.

We always learn fascinating things as we put displays together. With this display, we went to Ōraka Aparima Rūnaka for information on placenames. As they are descendants of early Māori who knew our area, they are best-placed to have this kind of information. Of particular interest to us was the story of the meaning of 'Otautau' relayed from a descendent of Waimatuku (a person). I won't spoil the ending. You'll just have to come in.

We're still adding finishing touches - like labels! - but it should be ready soon. In the meantime, everyone is welcome.

And if you'd like to help out, please do. We're looking for attendants - people to open the museum for two hours on a Wednesday or Sunday, or to get involved at any level of our work.

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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