Thursday, 9 February 2012

New Museum Sign

Today something great happened that has been a long time coming. We've got a new sign for the exterior of our building thanks to funding from the Southern Victorian Trust and the talented folks at Vital Signs who made the sign.

Our trustee, Peter Gutsell, made the frame a few days ago and installed the sign this afternoon.

It was just two days ago, when a new person in town said they had wondered where the museum was. We've gotten this feedback many times - that people don't know where we are. Our visibility on Main Street has been compromised for several years, ever since the old sign (which was actually too small) came off its perch, its chain having been worn away by the wind. This big, bold sign will make it easier for visitors coming from either direction to see exactly where the museum is.

So thank you Southern Victorian Trust, Vital Signs, and most especially Peter Gutsell for ticking another item off our wishlist.

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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