Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Mounting Objects Workshop

Three of us went to the Mounting Museum Objects for Display workshop at Te Hikoi yesterday. The instructor was Chris Currie, Design Specialist - an expert at making museum things look good. It was good to see familiar faces from near and far. Folks came from West Otago Vintage Club, Gore Historical Museum, Awarua Communications Museum, Anderson Park Gallery and Rakiura Museum.
 We learned about welding stainless steel to make holders for objects.
 Chris also showed us how to make a book holder out of foam core. It could be put on a flat surface or mounted on the wall.
 This ship in a bottle is supported by ethafoam which was cut to its shape.
 Hugh Brown of the Wallace Early Settlers showed us how to make a nice-looking tuck with Tyvek in this shaped-to-fit piece of ethafoam.
Sarah made this wire mount for her mask. It involved bending wire, adding tubing, and drilling holes into the wooden base. The results are great!

Thanks to Chris Currie for sharing his tricks of the trade and to Te Hikoi and Wallace Early Settlers for hosting us and making us feel at home.

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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