Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Probus at the Museum

We had about 40 men (and one woman) from the Winton Men's Probus Group at the Museum on Monday. After a short presentation, a delicious morning tea was provided by Betty Barkman. Also on hand were Graham Barkman and John Low, the display managers of the Museum.

The visitors looked around at the new installation Bayswater - Gladfield which is about the history of farming settlement of those areas. I had also pulled out some things from storage such as our 1899 copy of 'The Otautau Mail' and some medicine bottles from Sinclair's Chemist shop. We also had a croquet dress, possibly from the 1940s, and the scrapbooks from the Otautau Branch of Women's Division of Federated Farmers. Lots of comments and interesting discussion ensued as people worked their way through the building. To be in the Courthouse surrounded by lively conversation is always a really gratifying experience.

Before long it was time for our Probus friends to get on the road to their next destination. The weather was quite cold. We thanked them for being with us, wished them a safe trip and waved goodbye.

If you are interested in a presentation about the Museum plus morning or afternoon tea, just drop us a line. We are more than happy to oblige.

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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