Friday, 28 August 2009

Exhibition Ends This Sunday

Sunday will be the last day for the Bayswater and Gladfield display at the museum. This display has been on for 3 months and has attracted many people.

The next display will be split in two - the first subject will feature local transport through the years (cars, trucks and garages); and the second one will feaure projects from the students of Otautau School.

Toward the end of the year we are planning a display of the history of the Fairfax area. If you have photos or objects to loan for this, please bring them by the museum. We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!


Sarah Jones said...

Congratulations on your lovely blog. It's a great example for other museums to follow! It looks professional, the content is interesting, and we hope your community is enjoying reading it too.

- from the Bay of Plenty museums at NSTP social media workshop

Cathy said...

Thanks Sarah. Glad to see 'someone' is reading it!