Thursday 4 July 2013

AGM Update

Our AGM last month brought in a few changes. We welcomed new trustees, Jim Carson and Graham Milne, and received a resignation letter from Muriel Brown. Muriel had retired as a trustee last year but continued on as Roster Manager and Museum Manager. We are grateful for all she has done for the museum from the moment of its founding in 2002. We also had a resignation letter from Merrin McCrory who was our treasurer for the year.

2013-14 trustees and office holders
John Low, Trustee and Chairperson
Cindy Bragg, Trustee and Secretary and Treasurer
Pam Booth, Trustee and Publicity Manager
Peter Gutsell, Trustee and Fundraising Manager
Graham Milne, Trustee and Roster Manager
Peter Campbell, Trustee
Mervyn Officer, Trustee
Jim Carson, Trustee
Megan Manson, Trustee

Cathy Onellion, Volunteer and Collection Manager and Display Manager

Cathy has taken over from Peter Campbell as Display Manager. Peter is going to continue in his role as researcher. We're looking for someone who'd like to fill the Display Manager boots. If you have ideas for displays and want to help, please do contact us.

We're open Wednesdays and Sundays, 2pm-4pm, and by request. Your comments are always welcome!

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